2015 Olympus Open Photo Contest


The "OLYMPUS OPEN PHOTO CONTEST" was a photo contest held by the camera manufacturer Olympus.
My work "Snow Cherry Blossoms" won the grand prize out of 28,450 submissions, and I received a prize of 1 million yen and a flagship camera (OM-D E-M1).

Unfortunately, the contest award page has disappeared as Olympus' camera business has been transferred to OM Digital Solutions Co., Ltd.
The website from when I applied remains.


「OLYMPUS OPEN PHOTO CONTEST 」はカメラメーカーのオリンパスが開催していたフォトコンテストです。

私の作品「雪桜」は28,450枚の応募の中、グランプリを受賞し、賞金100万円とフラッグシップカメラ(OM-D E-M1)を頂きました。


