Masahiro Hiroike
Hiroike is a Japanese photographer born in 1962. In 2020, he was selected as a finalist at the Sony World Photography Awards, the world's largest photo contest, and began his career as a photographer. In 2023, he was selected by Darius Himes, international director of photography at the auction house Christie's, as the winner of the Dutch photo contest "LensCulture Critics' Choice". He has also held solo exhibitions organized by museums in Japan and Poland. In 2024, he made his debut as an artist for the 90-year-old "Yamakei Calendar," becoming one of Japan's leading landscape photographers.
He has been in contact with nature since childhood, and has enjoyed outdoor sports such as stream fishing, cycling, and mountain climbing as a hobby. He encountered computers at the Faculty of Engineering at Hiroshima University, and has been involved in the development of industrial robots, CAD, and WEB systems as a systems engineer for 30 years. He began taking photographs in earnest after developing many photo display programs.
He lives with nature and has a reverence for nature, expressing Japan's rare nature, landscapes, and culture through the medium of photography. Inspired by Japanese paintings such as sumi-e, he confronts them with the unique Japanese aesthetic sense of "transition" and "wabi-sabi." He also explores "what is photography" and "what is beauty" technically and philosophically from an engineer's perspective. He believes that spreading the Japanese aesthetic sense of reverence for nature, harmony, silence, and ambiguity will help bring back tranquility to a chaotic world.
His focus in photography is on "time" and "randomness." He sees photography as a "device that converts four-dimensional space (three-dimensional space + time) into a two-dimensional plane," and is researching the relationship between time and photography. He creates abstract works by incorporating the movements of living creatures through time and the heartbeat of the human body through ICM (Intentional Camera Movement). This is surrealism through photography that uses consciousness, unconsciousness, and randomness.
He is also committed to taking high-definition photographs. Not only does he take photos with a high-resolution digital camera, but he also puts more effort into printing than anyone else to fully utilize the images. He has a print studio at home, where he prints 2m x 1m and processes them with Alpolic, using a printer that can handle 1118mm wide roll paper and a panel pasting machine that can handle 1600mm wide paper. He also produces sturdy aluminum frames that he designed himself.
2020 Sony World Photography Awards 2020 Professional “Natural World and Wildlife” 2nd
2023 LensCulture Critics‘ Choice 2023 winner (Selected by Christie’s Darius Himes)
Please see [AWARD] for details.
2021 Solo Exhibition Yonago City Museum of Art "QUEST-Quest for Beauty"
2023 Special exhibition at the Municipal Museum of Jelenia Gora, Poland
Please see [EXHIBITION] for details.
December 2019 Photobook "QUEST Vol. 1" published by Imai Publishing
July 2020 Published the photo book "HIME BOTARU" from Chiisana Imai
[Media Appearance]
July 2022 ~ Chukai Television Broadcasting "Sanin Graphie" 10-minute program x 11 episodes
2020 Saninpedia [Tottori x Working People vol.45]
2020 7TH 35AWARDS Judge (1 person each from 50 countries)
2025 PSA (The Photographic Society of America) "PID Landscape Individual Competition" Judge
[Work provided]
From 2022 Provide Belgian digital art frame "ionnyk"
From 2020 HAIDA (filter manufacturer)
[Photographic Equipment]
Cameras: SONY α7R4, SONY α7R2, SONY α7R, CANON 6D
Lens: SONY FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS, SONY FE 20mm F1.8 G, SONY FE 14mm F1.8
SIGMA 85mm F1.4 DG DN Art, SIGMA20mm F1.4 DG HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS , TAMRON 28-75mm F / 2.8 Di III RXD
Filter: HAIDA M10 system
廣池 昌弘
廣池は1962年生まれの日本の写真家です。2020年に世界最大のフォトコンテストであるSony World Photography Awardsでファイナリストに選ばれ写真家として活動を開始しました。2023年にはオランダのフォトコンテスト “LensCulture Critics‘ Choice”でWinnerとしてオークションハウス“Christie’s”の写真国際責任者であるDarius Himes氏に選出されました。そして日本とポーランドで美術館主催の個展が開催されています。また2024年に90年の歴史を持つ「ヤマケイカレンダー」の作家としてデビューしました。
写真の技術で注目しているのは「時間」と「偶然性」です。彼は写真を「4次元空間(3次元の立体空間+時間)を2次元平面に変換する装置」と捉え、時間と写真の関係について研究しています。そして時間を使う事で生き物の動きを取り入れたり、ICM(Intentional Camera Movement)によって人体の鼓動の動き等を取り入れる事で、抽象的な作品を手がけています。これは意識と無意識、偶然性を用いた写真によるシュルレアリスムです。
彼はまた、高精細な写真を撮る事に拘っています。高解像度のデジタルカメラで撮影する事は勿論、それを十分に発揮するためにプリントに誰よりも力を注いでいます。彼は自宅にプリント工房を持ち、1118mm幅のロール紙対応のプリンターと1600mm幅対応のパネル貼り機を導入して、2m x 1m のプリント、アルポリック加工をしています。また自ら設計した丈夫なアルミの額を制作しています。
2020年 Sony World Photography Awards 2020 Professional “Natural World and Wildlife” 2nd
2023年 LensCulture Critics‘ Choice 2023 winner (Selected by Christie’s Darius Himes)
2021年 3月 個展 米子市美術館「QUEST-美の探求」
2023年 5~7月 ポーランド、イェレニャグラ市市営博物館 企画展
2019年12月 写真集「QUEST/探求 第1集」を今井出版より出版
2020年 7月 写真集「HIMEBOTARU」をちいさな今井より出版
2022年7月~ 中海テレビ放送「山陰グラフィー」 10分番組x11話
2020年 7TH 35AWARDS(応募:174ヶ国、124,800人、480,500作品) の審査員(50ヶ国から各1名)を務めた。
2025 PSA (The Photographic Society of America) "PID Landscape Individual Competition" 審査員
2022年~ ベルギーのデジタルアートフレーム" ionnyk "作品提供
2020年~ 山陰インバウンド機構
2020年~ HAIDA(フィルターメーカー)
カメラ: SONY α7R4,SONY α7R2, SONY α7R, CANON 6D
レンズ: SONY FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS, SONY FE 20mm F1.8 G, SONY FE14mm F1.8 GM
SIGMA 85mm F1.4 DG DN Art, SIGMA20mm F1.4 DG HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS, TAMRON 28-75mm F/2.8 Di III RXD
フィルター:HAIDA M10システム